Source code for pyqlearning.samplabledata.policysampler._mxnet.maze_policy

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from accelbrainbase.samplabledata.policy_sampler import PolicySampler

import mxnet.ndarray as nd
import mxnet as mx
import numpy as np

[docs]class MazePolicy(PolicySampler): ''' Policy sampler for the multi-agent Deep Q-learning to evaluate the value of the "action". ''' SPACE = 1 WALL = -1 START = 0 GOAL = 3 START_POS = (1, 1) __memory_num = 4 END_STATE = "running" __inferencing_mode = False
[docs] def get_inferencing_mode(self): ''' getter ''' return self.__inferencing_mode
[docs] def set_inferencing_mode(self, value): ''' setter ''' self.__inferencing_mode = value
inferencing_mode = property(get_inferencing_mode, set_inferencing_mode) def __init__( self, batch_size=25, map_size=(50, 50), moving_max_dist=3, possible_n=10, memory_num=3, repeating_penalty=0.5, ctx=mx.gpu(), ): ''' Init. Args: map_size: Size of map. memory_num: The number of step of agent's memory. repeating_penalty: The value of penalty in the case that agent revisit. ''' self.__batch_size = batch_size self.__map_arr = self.__create_map(map_size) self.__agent_pos_arr = np.array( [ self.START_POS ] * self.__batch_size ) self.__possible_n = possible_n self.__repeating_penalty = repeating_penalty self.__ctx = ctx self.__state_arr = self.extract_now_state() self.__route_memory_list = [[] for _ in range(self.__batch_size)] self.__memory_num = memory_num self.__moving_max_dist = moving_max_dist
[docs] def reset_agent_pos(self): self.__agent_pos_arr = np.array( [ self.START_POS ] * self.__batch_size ) self.__state_arr = self.extract_now_state()
def __create_map(self, map_size): ''' Create map. References: - ''' import random import numpy as np from itertools import product news = ['n', 'e', 'w', 's'] m, n = map_size m = m // 2 n = n // 2 SPACE = self.SPACE WALL = self.WALL START = self.START GOAL = self.GOAL memo = np.array([i for i in range(n * m)]) memo = memo.reshape(m, n) maze = [[SPACE for _ in range(2 * n + 1)] for _ in range(2 * m + 1)] maze[self.START_POS[0]][self.START_POS[1]] = START self.__goal_pos = (2 * m - 1, 2 * n - 1) maze[2 * m - 1][2 * n - 1] = GOAL for i, j in product(range(2 * m + 1), range(2 * n + 1)): if i % 2 == 0 or j % 2 == 0: maze[i][j] = WALL while (memo != 0).any(): x1 = random.choice(range(m)) y1 = random.choice(range(n)) direction = random.choice(news) if direction == 'e': x2, y2 = x1, y1 + 1 elif direction == 'w': x2, y2 = x1, y1 - 1 elif direction == 'n': x2, y2 = x1 - 1, y1 elif direction == 's': x2, y2 = x1 + 1, y1 if (x2 < 0) or (x2 >= m) or (y2 < 0) or (y2 >= n): continue if memo[x1, y1] != memo[x2, y2]: tmp_min = min(memo[x1, y1], memo[x2, y2]) tmp_max = max(memo[x1, y1], memo[x2, y2]) memo[memo == tmp_max] = tmp_min maze[x1 + x2 + 1][y1 + y2 + 1] = SPACE maze_arr = np.array(maze) return maze_arr
[docs] def draw(self): ''' Draw samples from distribtions. Returns: `Tuple` of `mx.nd.array`s. ''' possible_action_arr = np.zeros(( self.__state_arr.shape[0], self.__possible_n, self.__state_arr.shape[1], self.__state_arr.shape[2], self.__state_arr.shape[3], )) for batch in range(self.__batch_size): state_arr = self.__state_arr[batch, 0].asnumpy() agent_x, agent_y = np.where(state_arr == 1) agent_x, agent_y = agent_x[0], agent_y[0] if self.inferencing_mode is False: agent_x_arr, agent_y_arr = np.where(self.__map_arr == self.SPACE) key = np.random.randint(low=0, high=agent_x_arr.shape[0]) random_agent_x = agent_x_arr[key] random_agent_y = agent_y_arr[key] state_arr[agent_x, agent_y] = 0 state_arr[random_agent_x, random_agent_y] = 1 self.__state_arr[batch, 0] = nd.ndarray.array( state_arr, ctx=self.__ctx ) x_y_list = [] for dist in range(1, self.__moving_max_dist): for x in [-1, 0, 1]: for y in [-1, 0, 1]: if x == 0 and y == 0: continue x_y_list.append((x * dist, y * dist)) x_y_arr = np.array(x_y_list) _possible_action_arr = None for i in range(x_y_arr.shape[0]): x = x_y_arr[i][0] y = x_y_arr[i][1] next_x = agent_x + x if next_x < 0 or next_x >= state_arr.shape[1]: continue next_y = agent_y + y if next_y < 0 or next_y >= state_arr.shape[0]: continue if self.inferencing_mode is True: if (next_x, next_y) in self.__route_memory_list[batch]: continue wall_flag = False if x > 0: for add_x in range(1, x): if self.__map_arr[agent_x + add_x, next_y] == self.WALL: wall_flag = True elif x < 0: for add_x in range(x, 0): if self.__map_arr[agent_x + add_x, next_y] == self.WALL: wall_flag = True if wall_flag is True: continue if y > 0: for add_y in range(1, y): if self.__map_arr[next_x, agent_y + add_y] == self.WALL: wall_flag = True elif y < 0: for add_y in range(y, 0): if self.__map_arr[next_x, agent_y + add_y] == self.WALL: wall_flag = True if wall_flag is True: continue if self.__map_arr[next_x, next_y] == self.WALL: continue goal_flag = False if x > 0: for add_x in range(1, x): if self.__map_arr[agent_x + add_x, next_y] == self.GOAL: goal_flag = True elif x < 0: for add_x in range(x, 0): if self.__map_arr[agent_x + add_x, next_y] == self.GOAL: goal_flag = True if goal_flag is False: if y > 0: for add_y in range(1, y): if self.__map_arr[next_x, agent_y + add_y] == self.GOAL: goal_flag = True elif y < 0: for add_y in range(y, 0): if self.__map_arr[next_x, agent_y + add_y] == self.GOAL: goal_flag = True if goal_flag is True: next_x = self.__goal_pos[0] next_y = self.__goal_pos[1] next_action_arr = np.zeros((state_arr.shape[0], state_arr.shape[1])) next_action_arr[next_x, next_y] = 1 next_action_arr = np.expand_dims(next_action_arr, axis=0) if _possible_action_arr is None: _possible_action_arr = next_action_arr else: _possible_action_arr = np.concatenate( [ _possible_action_arr, next_action_arr ], axis=0 ) if _possible_action_arr is None: for i in range(x_y_arr.shape[0]): x = x_y_arr[i][0] y = x_y_arr[i][1] next_x = agent_x + x if next_x < 0 or next_x >= state_arr.shape[1]: continue next_y = agent_y + y if next_y < 0 or next_y >= state_arr.shape[0]: continue wall_flag = False if x > 0: for add_x in range(1, x): if self.__map_arr[agent_x + add_x, next_y] == self.WALL: wall_flag = True elif x < 0: for add_x in range(x, 0): if self.__map_arr[agent_x + add_x, next_y] == self.WALL: wall_flag = True if wall_flag is True: continue if y > 0: for add_y in range(1, y): if self.__map_arr[next_x, agent_y + add_y] == self.WALL: wall_flag = True elif y < 0: for add_y in range(y, 0): if self.__map_arr[next_x, agent_y + add_y] == self.WALL: wall_flag = True if wall_flag is True: continue if self.__map_arr[next_x, next_y] == self.WALL: continue goal_flag = False if x > 0: for add_x in range(1, x): if self.__map_arr[agent_x + add_x, next_y] == self.GOAL: goal_flag = True elif x < 0: for add_x in range(x, 0): if self.__map_arr[agent_x + add_x, next_y] == self.GOAL: goal_flag = True if goal_flag is False: if y > 0: for add_y in range(1, y): if self.__map_arr[next_x, agent_y + add_y] == self.GOAL: goal_flag = True elif y < 0: for add_y in range(y, 0): if self.__map_arr[next_x, agent_y + add_y] == self.GOAL: goal_flag = True if goal_flag is True: next_x = self.__goal_pos[0] next_y = self.__goal_pos[1] next_action_arr = np.zeros((state_arr.shape[0], state_arr.shape[1])) next_action_arr[next_x, next_y] = 1 next_action_arr = np.expand_dims(next_action_arr, axis=0) if _possible_action_arr is None: _possible_action_arr = next_action_arr else: _possible_action_arr = np.concatenate( [ _possible_action_arr, next_action_arr ], axis=0 ) if _possible_action_arr is None: raise ValueError("No action option found. Please lower the `memory_num`.") if _possible_action_arr.shape[0] < self.__possible_n: row_diff = self.__possible_n - _possible_action_arr.shape[0] while _possible_action_arr.shape[0] < self.__possible_n: _possible_action_arr = np.concatenate( [ _possible_action_arr, _possible_action_arr[:row_diff] ], axis=0 ) if _possible_action_arr.shape[0] > self.__possible_n: key_arr = np.arange(_possible_action_arr.shape[0]) np.random.shuffle(key_arr) _possible_action_arr = _possible_action_arr[key_arr[:self.__possible_n]] # Forget oldest memory and do recuresive executing. while len(self.__route_memory_list[batch]) > self.__memory_num: self.__route_memory_list[batch] = self.__route_memory_list[batch][1:] possible_action_arr[batch, :, 0] = _possible_action_arr possible_action_arr[batch, :, 1] = self.__map_arr possible_action_arr = nd.ndarray.array(possible_action_arr, ctx=self.__ctx) return possible_action_arr, None
[docs] def observe_state(self, state_arr, meta_data_arr): ''' Observe states of agents in last epoch. Args: state_arr: Tensor of state. meta_data_arr: meta data of the state. ''' self.__state_arr = state_arr self.__state_meta_data_arr = meta_data_arr
[docs] def observe_reward_value( self, state_arr, action_arr, meta_data_arr=None, ): ''' Compute the reward value. Args: state_arr: Tensor of state. action_arr: Tensor of action. meta_data_arr: Meta data of actions. Returns: Reward value. ''' reward_arr = self.__check_goal_flag(action_arr) for i in range(action_arr.shape[0]): _action_arr = action_arr[i, 0].asnumpy() x, y = np.where(_action_arr == 1) x, y = x[0], y[0] goal_x, goal_y = self.__goal_pos if x == goal_x and y == goal_y: distance = 0.0 else: distance = np.sqrt(((x - goal_x) ** 2) + (y - goal_y) ** 2) if self.inferencing_mode is False: state_arr = self.__state_arr if state_arr is not None: _state_arr = state_arr[i, 0].asnumpy() pre_x, pre_y = np.where(_state_arr == 1) if pre_x == goal_x and pre_y == goal_y: pre_distance = 0.0 else: pre_distance = np.sqrt(((pre_x - goal_x) ** 2) + (pre_y - goal_y) ** 2) distance_penalty = distance - pre_distance if distance_penalty == 0: distance_penalty = 1 else: distance_penalty = 0 max_distance = (goal_x ** 2) + (goal_y ** 2) reward_arr[i] = reward_arr[i] + (max_distance - distance) - distance_penalty reward_arr = nd.ndarray.array(reward_arr, ctx=self.__ctx) reward_arr = nd.sigmoid(reward_arr / max_distance) return reward_arr
[docs] def extract_now_state(self): ''' Extract now map state. Returns: `np.ndarray` of state. ''' state_arr = np.zeros( ( self.__batch_size, 2, self.__map_arr.shape[0], self.__map_arr.shape[1], ) ) for i in range(state_arr.shape[0]): x_y_arr = self.__agent_pos_arr[i] x = x_y_arr[0] y = x_y_arr[1] state_arr[i, 0, x, y] = 1 state_arr[i, 1] = self.__map_arr return nd.ndarray.array(state_arr, ctx=self.__ctx)
[docs] def update_state( self, action_arr, meta_data_arr=None ): ''' Update state. This method can be overrided for concreate usecases. Args: action_arr: action in `self.t`. meta_data_arr: meta data of the action. Returns: Tuple data. - state in `self.t+1`. - meta data of the state. ''' action_arr = action_arr.asnumpy() for i in range(action_arr.shape[0]): x, y = np.where(action_arr[0, 0] == 1) self.__agent_pos_arr[i] = np.array([x[0], y[0]]) if self.inferencing_mode is True: self.__route_memory_list[i].append((x[0], y[0])) return self.extract_now_state(), meta_data_arr
def __check_goal_flag(self, state_arr): goal_arr = np.zeros((state_arr.shape[0])) state_arr = state_arr.asnumpy() for i in range(state_arr.shape[0]): x, y = np.where(state_arr[i, 0] == 1) goal_x, goal_y = self.__goal_pos if x[0] == goal_x and y[0] == goal_y: goal_arr[i] = 1 else: goal_arr[i] = 0 return goal_arr
[docs] def check_the_end_flag(self, state_arr, meta_data_arr=None): ''' Check the end flag. If this return value is `True`, the learning is end. As a rule, the learning can not be stopped. This method should be overrided for concreate usecases. Args: state_arr: state in `self.t`. meta_data_arr: meta data of the state. Returns: bool ''' if state_arr is None: return False goal_arr = self.__check_goal_flag(state_arr) if goal_arr.sum() > 0: return True else: return False
[docs] def set_readonly(self, value): ''' setter ''' raise TypeError("This property must be read-only.")
[docs] def get_map_arr(self): ''' getter ''' return self.__map_arr
map_arr = property(get_map_arr, set_readonly)