pygan.discriminativemodel.autoencodermodel.convolutionalautoencoder.convolutionalladdernetworks package


pygan.discriminativemodel.autoencodermodel.convolutionalautoencoder.convolutionalladdernetworks.seq_cln_model module

class pygan.discriminativemodel.autoencodermodel.convolutionalautoencoder.convolutionalladdernetworks.seq_cln_model.SeqCLNModel(convolutional_auto_encoder=None, batch_size=10, channel=1, learning_rate=1e-10, learning_attenuate_rate=0.1, attenuate_epoch=50, opt_params=None, feature_matching_layer=0)[source]

Bases: pygan.discriminativemodel.autoencodermodel.convolutionalautoencoder.convolutional_ladder_networks.ConvolutionalLadderNetworks

Ladder Networks with a Stacked convolutional Auto-Encoder as a Discriminator..

This model observes sequencal data as image-like data.

If the length of sequence is T and the dimension is D, image-like matrix will be configured as a T × D matrix.


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  • Rasmus, A., Berglund, M., Honkala, M., Valpola, H., & Raiko, T. (2015). Semi-supervised learning with ladder networks. In Advances in neural information processing systems (pp. 3546-3554).
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Forward propagation in only first or intermediate layer for so-called Feature matching.

Parameters:observed_arrnp.ndarray of observed data points.
Returns:np.ndarray of outputs.

Draws samples from the true distribution.

Parameters:observed_arrnp.ndarray of observed data points.
Returns:np.ndarray of inferenced.
learn(grad_arr, fix_opt_flag=False)[source]

Update this Discriminator by ascending its stochastic gradient.

  • grad_arrnp.ndarray of gradients.
  • fix_opt_flag – If False, no optimization in this model will be done.

np.ndarray of delta or gradients.

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