Source code for pygan.truesampler.uniform_true_sampler

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
from pygan.true_sampler import TrueSampler

[docs]class UniformSampler(TrueSampler): ''' Generate samples based on the noise prior by Uniform distribution. ''' def __init__(self, low, high, output_shape): ''' Init. Args: low: Lower boundary of the output interval. All values generated will be greater than or equal to low. high: Upper boundary of the output interval. All values generated will be less than high. output_shape: Output shape. the shape is `(batch size, d1, d2, d3, ...)`. ''' self.__low = low self.__high = high self.__output_shape = output_shape
[docs] def draw(self): ''' Draws samples from the `true` distribution. Returns: `np.ndarray` of samples. ''' return np.random.uniform(loc=self.__low, scale=self.__high, size=self.__output_shape)
[docs] def get_output_shape(self): ''' getter ''' return self.__output_shape
[docs] def set_output_shape(self, value): ''' setter ''' self.__output_shape = value
output_shape = property(get_output_shape, set_output_shape)