Source code for pysummarization.vectorizablesentence.encoder_decoder

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from logging import getLogger
import numpy as np
from pysummarization.vectorizable_sentence import VectorizableSentence

# LSTM Graph which is-a `Synapse`.
from pydbm.synapse.recurrenttemporalgraph.lstm_graph import LSTMGraph
from pydbm.synapse.recurrenttemporalgraph.lstm_graph import LSTMGraph as EncoderGraph
from pydbm.synapse.recurrenttemporalgraph.lstm_graph import LSTMGraph as DecoderGraph

# Loss function.
from pydbm.loss.mean_squared_error import MeanSquaredError
# Adam as a Loss function.
from pydbm.optimization.optparams.adam import Adam as EncoderAdam
from pydbm.optimization.optparams.adam import Adam as DecoderAdam
# Verification.
from pydbm.verification.verificate_function_approximation import VerificateFunctionApproximation
# LSTM model.
from pydbm.rnn.lstm_model import LSTMModel as Encoder
from pydbm.rnn.lstm_model import LSTMModel as Decoder
# Logistic Function as activation function.
from pydbm.activation.logistic_function import LogisticFunction
# Tanh Function as activation function.
from pydbm.activation.tanh_function import TanhFunction
# Encoder/Decoder
from pydbm.rnn.encoder_decoder_controller import EncoderDecoderController

[docs]class EncoderDecoder(VectorizableSentence): ''' Vectorize sentences by Encoder/Decoder based on LSTM. This library provides Encoder/Decoder based on LSTM, which is a reconstruction model and makes it possible to extract series features embedded in deeper layers. The LSTM encoder learns a fixed length vector of time-series observed data points and the LSTM decoder uses this representation to reconstruct the time-series using the current hidden state and the value inferenced at the previous time-step. References: - - - Cho, K., Van Merriƫnboer, B., Gulcehre, C., Bahdanau, D., Bougares, F., Schwenk, H., & Bengio, Y. (2014). Learning phrase representations using RNN encoder-decoder for statistical machine translation. arXiv preprint arXiv:1406.1078. - Malhotra, P., Ramakrishnan, A., Anand, G., Vig, L., Agarwal, P., & Shroff, G. (2016). LSTM-based encoder-decoder for multi-sensor anomaly detection. arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.00148. ''' def __init__(self): ''' Init. ''' logger = getLogger("pysummarization") self.__logger = logger
[docs] def vectorize(self, sentence_list): ''' Args: sentence_list: The list of tokenized sentences. [[`token`, `token`, `token`, ...], [`token`, `token`, `token`, ...], [`token`, `token`, `token`, ...]] Returns: `np.ndarray` of tokens. [vector of token, vector of token, vector of token] ''' test_observed_arr, _ = self.__setup_dataset(sentence_list, self.__token_master_list, self.__sentence_mean_len) pred_arr = self.__controller.inference(test_observed_arr) return self.__controller.get_feature_points()
[docs] def learn( self, sentence_list, token_master_list, hidden_neuron_count=200, epochs=100, batch_size=100, learning_rate=1e-05, learning_attenuate_rate=0.1, attenuate_epoch=50, weight_limit=0.5, dropout_rate=0.5, test_size_rate=0.3 ): ''' Init. Args: sentence_list: The list of tokenized sentences. [[`token`, `token`, `token`, ...], [`token`, `token`, `token`, ...], [`token`, `token`, `token`, ...]] token_master_list: Unique `list` of tokens. hidden_neuron_count: The number of units in hidden layer. epochs: Epochs of Mini-batch. batch_size: Batch size of Mini-batch. learning_rate: Learning rate. learning_attenuate_rate: Attenuate the `learning_rate` by a factor of this value every `attenuate_epoch`. attenuate_epoch: Attenuate the `learning_rate` by a factor of `learning_attenuate_rate` every `attenuate_epoch`. Additionally, in relation to regularization, this class constrains weight matrixes every `attenuate_epoch`. weight_limit: Regularization for weights matrix to repeat multiplying the weights matrix and `0.9` until $\sum_{j=0}^{n}w_{ji}^2 < weight\_limit$. dropout_rate: The probability of dropout. test_size_rate: Size of Test data set. If this value is `0`, the ''' observed_arr, sentence_mean_len = self.__setup_dataset(sentence_list, token_master_list) self.__sentence_mean_len = sentence_mean_len self.__logger.debug("Shape of observed data points:") self.__logger.debug(observed_arr.shape) # Init. encoder_graph = EncoderGraph() # Activation function in LSTM. encoder_graph.observed_activating_function = LogisticFunction() encoder_graph.input_gate_activating_function = LogisticFunction() encoder_graph.forget_gate_activating_function = LogisticFunction() encoder_graph.output_gate_activating_function = LogisticFunction() encoder_graph.hidden_activating_function = LogisticFunction() encoder_graph.output_activating_function = LogisticFunction() # Initialization strategy. # This method initialize each weight matrices and biases in Gaussian distribution: `np.random.normal(size=hoge) * 0.01`. encoder_graph.create_rnn_cells( input_neuron_count=observed_arr.shape[-1], hidden_neuron_count=hidden_neuron_count, output_neuron_count=1 ) # Init. decoder_graph = DecoderGraph() # Activation function in LSTM. decoder_graph.observed_activating_function = LogisticFunction() decoder_graph.input_gate_activating_function = LogisticFunction() decoder_graph.forget_gate_activating_function = LogisticFunction() decoder_graph.output_gate_activating_function = LogisticFunction() decoder_graph.hidden_activating_function = LogisticFunction() decoder_graph.output_activating_function = LogisticFunction() # Initialization strategy. # This method initialize each weight matrices and biases in Gaussian distribution: `np.random.normal(size=hoge) * 0.01`. decoder_graph.create_rnn_cells( input_neuron_count=hidden_neuron_count, hidden_neuron_count=hidden_neuron_count, output_neuron_count=observed_arr.shape[-1] ) encoder_opt_params = EncoderAdam() encoder_opt_params.weight_limit = weight_limit encoder_opt_params.dropout_rate = dropout_rate encoder = Encoder( # Delegate `graph` to `LSTMModel`. graph=encoder_graph, # The number of epochs in mini-batch training. epochs=epochs, # The batch size. batch_size=batch_size, # Learning rate. learning_rate=learning_rate, # Attenuate the `learning_rate` by a factor of this value every `attenuate_epoch`. learning_attenuate_rate=learning_attenuate_rate, # Attenuate the `learning_rate` by a factor of `learning_attenuate_rate` every `attenuate_epoch`. attenuate_epoch=attenuate_epoch, # Refereed maxinum step `t` in BPTT. If `0`, this class referes all past data in BPTT. bptt_tau=observed_arr.shape[1], # Size of Test data set. If this value is `0`, the validation will not be executed. test_size_rate=test_size_rate, # Loss function. computable_loss=MeanSquaredError(), # Optimizer. opt_params=encoder_opt_params, # Verification function. verificatable_result=VerificateFunctionApproximation(), tol=0.0 ) decoder_opt_params = DecoderAdam() decoder_opt_params.weight_limit = weight_limit decoder_opt_params.dropout_rate = dropout_rate decoder = Decoder( # Delegate `graph` to `LSTMModel`. graph=decoder_graph, # The number of epochs in mini-batch training. epochs=epochs, # The batch size. batch_size=batch_size, # Learning rate. learning_rate=learning_rate, # Attenuate the `learning_rate` by a factor of this value every `attenuate_epoch`. learning_attenuate_rate=learning_attenuate_rate, # Attenuate the `learning_rate` by a factor of `learning_attenuate_rate` every `attenuate_epoch`. attenuate_epoch=attenuate_epoch, # The length of sequences. seq_len=observed_arr.shape[1], # Refereed maxinum step `t` in BPTT. If `0`, this class referes all past data in BPTT. bptt_tau=observed_arr.shape[1], # Size of Test data set. If this value is `0`, the validation will not be executed. test_size_rate=test_size_rate, # Loss function. computable_loss=MeanSquaredError(), # Optimizer. opt_params=decoder_opt_params, # Verification function. verificatable_result=VerificateFunctionApproximation(), tol=0.0 ) encoder_decoder_controller = EncoderDecoderController( encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, learning_rate=learning_rate, learning_attenuate_rate=learning_attenuate_rate, attenuate_epoch=attenuate_epoch, test_size_rate=test_size_rate, computable_loss=MeanSquaredError(), verificatable_result=VerificateFunctionApproximation(), tol=0.0 ) # Learning. encoder_decoder_controller.learn(observed_arr, observed_arr) self.__controller = encoder_decoder_controller self.__token_master_list = token_master_list
def __setup_dataset(self, sentence_list, token_master_list, sentence_mean_len=None): if sentence_mean_len is None: sentence_len_list = [0] * len(sentence_list) for i in range(len(sentence_list)): sentence_len_list[i] = len(sentence_list[i]) sentence_mean_len = int(sum(sentence_len_list) / len(sentence_len_list)) observed_list = [None] * len(sentence_list) for i in range(len(sentence_list)): arr_list = [None] * sentence_mean_len for j in range(sentence_mean_len): arr = np.zeros(len(token_master_list)) try: token = sentence_list[i][j] arr[token_master_list.index(token)] = 1 except IndexError: pass finally: arr = arr.astype(np.float64) arr_list[j] = arr observed_list[i] = arr_list observed_arr = np.array(observed_list) return observed_arr, sentence_mean_len
[docs] def get_controller(self): ''' getter ''' return self.__controller
[docs] def set_readonly(self, value): ''' setter ''' raise TypeError("This property must be read-only.")
controller = property(get_controller, set_readonly)