Source code for pysummarization.abstractablesemantics._mxnet.re_seq_2_seq

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from logging import getLogger
import numpy as np

from pysummarization.abstractable_semantics import AbstractableSemantics
from pysummarization.vectorizable_token import VectorizableToken

from logging import getLogger
from logging import getLogger, StreamHandler, NullHandler, DEBUG, ERROR
import numpy as np
import mxnet as mx
import mxnet.ndarray as nd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from mxnet import gluon
from mxnet import autograd
from mxnet import MXNetError
from mxnet.gluon.block import HybridBlock

from mxnet.gluon.nn import Conv2D

from accelbrainbase.computableloss._mxnet.l2_norm_loss import L2NormLoss
from accelbrainbase.extractabledata.unlabeled_csv_extractor import UnlabeledCSVExtractor
from accelbrainbase.iteratabledata._mxnet.unlabeled_sequential_csv_iterator import UnlabeledSequentialCSVIterator
from accelbrainbase.noiseabledata._mxnet.gauss_noise import GaussNoise
from accelbrainbase.observabledata._mxnet.lstm_networks import LSTMNetworks
from accelbrainbase.observabledata._mxnet.lstmnetworks.encoder_decoder import EncoderDecoder
from accelbrainbase.iteratable_data import IteratableData

[docs]class ReSeq2Seq(HybridBlock, AbstractableSemantics): ''' A retrospective sequence-to-sequence learning(re-seq2seq). The concept of the re-seq2seq(Zhang, K. et al., 2018) provided inspiration to this library. This model is a new sequence learning model mainly in the field of Video Summarizations. "The key idea behind re-seq2seq is to measure how well the machine-generated summary is similar to the original video in an abstract semantic space" (Zhang, K. et al., 2018, p3). The encoder of a seq2seq model observes the original video and output feature points which represents the semantic meaning of the observed data points. Then the feature points is observed by the decoder of this model. Additionally, in the re-seq2seq model, the outputs of the decoder is propagated to a retrospective encoder, which infers feature points to represent the semantic meaning of the summary. "If the summary preserves the important and relevant information in the original video, then we should expect that the two embeddings are similar (e.g. in Euclidean distance)" (Zhang, K. et al., 2018, p3). This library refers to this intuitive insight above to apply the model to text summarizations. Like videos, semantic feature representation based on representation learning of manifolds is also possible in text summarizations. The intuition in the design of their loss function is also suggestive. "The intuition behind our modeling is that the outputs should convey the same amount of information as the inputs. For summarization, this is precisely the goal: a good summary should be such that after viewing the summary, users would get about the same amount of information as if they had viewed the original video" (Zhang, K. et al., 2018, p7). But the model in this library and Zhang, K. et al.(2018) are different in some respects from the relation with the specification of the Deep Learning library: [accel-brain-base]( First, Encoder/Decoder based on LSTM is not designed as a hierarchical structure. Second, it is possible to introduce regularization techniques which are not discussed in Zhang, K. et al.(2018) such as the dropout, the gradient clipping, and limitation of weights. Third, the regression loss function for matching summaries is simplified in terms of calculation efficiency in this library. **Note** that penalty terms that penalize mismatched pairs is not implemented due to an implementation issue. References: - Zhang, K., Grauman, K., & Sha, F. (2018). Retrospective Encoders for Video Summarization. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) (pp. 383-399). ''' # Logs of accuracy. __logs_tuple_list = [] __ctx = mx.gpu()
[docs] def get_ctx(self): ''' getter for `mx.gpu()` or `mx.cpu()`. ''' return self.__ctx
[docs] def set_ctx(self, value): ''' setter for `mx.gpu()` or `mx.cpu()`. ''' self.__ctx = value
ctx = property(get_ctx, set_ctx) def __init__( self, initializer=None, computable_loss=None, margin_param=0.01, retrospective_lambda=0.5, retrospective_eta=0.5, encoder_decoder_controller=None, retrospective_encoder=None, hidden_neuron_count=20, output_neuron_count=20, dropout_rate=0.5, batch_size=20, learning_rate=1e-05, learning_attenuate_rate=1.0, attenuate_epoch=50, optimizer_name="sgd", grad_clip_threshold=1e+10, seq_len=8, ctx=mx.gpu(), **kwargs ): ''' Init. Args: margin_param: A margin parameter for the mismatched pairs penalty. retrospective_lambda: Tradeoff parameter for loss function. retrospective_eta: Tradeoff parameter for loss function. encoder_decoder_controller: is-a `EncoderDecoderController`. retrospective_encoder: is-a `LSTMModel` as a retrospective encoder(or re-encoder). hidden_neuron_count: The number of units in hidden layers. output_neuron_count: The number of units in output layers. dropout_rate: Probability of dropout. batch_size: Batch size. learning_rate: Learning rate. learning_attenuate_rate: Attenuate the `learning_rate` by a factor of this value every `attenuate_epoch`. attenuate_epoch: Attenuate the `learning_rate` by a factor of `learning_attenuate_rate` every `attenuate_epoch`. Additionally, in relation to regularization, this class constrains weight matrixes every `attenuate_epoch`. grad_clip_threshold: Threshold of the gradient clipping. seq_len: The length of sequneces in Decoder with Attention model. ''' super(ReSeq2Seq, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__ctx = ctx if computable_loss is None: computable_loss = L2NormLoss() if isinstance(margin_param, float) is False: raise TypeError("The type of `margin_param` must be `float`.") if margin_param <= 0: raise ValueError("The value of `margin_param` must be more than `0`.") self.__margin_param = margin_param if isinstance(retrospective_lambda, float) is False or isinstance(retrospective_eta, float) is False: raise TypeError("The type of `retrospective_lambda` and `retrospective_eta` must be `float`.") if retrospective_lambda < 0 or retrospective_eta < 0: raise ValueError("The values of `retrospective_lambda` and `retrospective_eta` must be more then `0`.") if retrospective_lambda + retrospective_eta != 1: raise ValueError("The sum of `retrospective_lambda` and `retrospective_eta` must be `1`.") self.__retrospective_lambda = retrospective_lambda self.__retrospective_eta = retrospective_eta if encoder_decoder_controller is None: encoder_decoder_controller = self.__build_encoder_decoder_controller( computable_loss=computable_loss, hidden_neuron_count=hidden_neuron_count, output_neuron_count=output_neuron_count, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, batch_size=batch_size, learning_rate=learning_rate, attenuate_epoch=attenuate_epoch, learning_attenuate_rate=learning_attenuate_rate, seq_len=seq_len, ) else: if isinstance(encoder_decoder_controller, EncoderDecoderController) is False: raise TypeError() if retrospective_encoder is None: retrospective_encoder = self.__build_retrospective_encoder( computable_loss=computable_loss, hidden_neuron_count=hidden_neuron_count, output_neuron_count=output_neuron_count, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, batch_size=batch_size, learning_rate=learning_rate, seq_len=seq_len ) else: if isinstance(retrospective_encoder, LSTMModel) is False: raise TypeError() self.__encoder_decoder_controller = encoder_decoder_controller self.__retrospective_encoder = retrospective_encoder if initializer is None: self.initializer = mx.initializer.Xavier( rnd_type="gaussian", factor_type="in", magnitude=1 ) else: if isinstance(initializer, mx.initializer.Initializer) is False: raise TypeError("The type of `initializer` must be `mxnet.initializer.Initializer`.") self.initializer = initializer self.collect_params().initialize(self.initializer, force_reinit=True, ctx=ctx) self.trainer = gluon.Trainer(self.collect_params(), optimizer_name, {"learning_rate": learning_rate}) self.__batch_size = batch_size self.__learning_rate = learning_rate self.__attenuate_epoch = attenuate_epoch self.__learning_attenuate_rate = learning_attenuate_rate self.__grad_clip_threshold = grad_clip_threshold self.__output_neuron_count = output_neuron_count self.__hidden_neuron_count = hidden_neuron_count logger = getLogger("accelbrainbase") self.__logger = logger self.__logs_tuple_list = []
[docs] def collect_params(self, select=None): ''' Overrided `collect_params` in `mxnet.gluon.HybridBlok`. ''' params_dict = self.__encoder_decoder_controller.collect_params(select) params_dict.update(self.__retrospective_encoder.collect_params(select)) return params_dict
def __build_encoder_decoder_controller( self, computable_loss, hidden_neuron_count=20, output_neuron_count=20, dropout_rate=0.5, batch_size=20, learning_rate=1e-05, attenuate_epoch=50, learning_attenuate_rate=1.0, seq_len=8, ): encoder = LSTMNetworks( # is-a `ComputableLoss` or `mxnet.gluon.loss`. computable_loss=computable_loss, # `int` of batch size. batch_size=batch_size, # `int` of the length of series. seq_len=seq_len, # `int` of the number of units in hidden layer. hidden_n=hidden_neuron_count, # `float` of dropout rate. dropout_rate=dropout_rate, # `act_type` in `mxnet.ndarray.Activation` or `mxnet.symbol.Activation` # that activates observed data points. observed_activation="tanh", # `act_type` in `mxnet.ndarray.Activation` or `mxnet.symbol.Activation` in input gate. input_gate_activation="sigmoid", # `act_type` in `mxnet.ndarray.Activation` or `mxnet.symbol.Activation` in forget gate. forget_gate_activation="sigmoid", # `act_type` in `mxnet.ndarray.Activation` or `mxnet.symbol.Activation` in output gate. output_gate_activation="sigmoid", # `act_type` in `mxnet.ndarray.Activation` or `mxnet.symbol.Activation` in hidden layer. hidden_activation="tanh", # `bool` that means this class has output layer or not. output_layer_flag=False, # Call `mxnet.gluon.HybridBlock.hybridize()` or not. hybridize_flag=True, # `mx.cpu()` or `mx.gpu()`. ctx=self.ctx, ) decoder = LSTMNetworks( # is-a `ComputableLoss` or `mxnet.gluon.loss`. computable_loss=computable_loss, # `int` of batch size. batch_size=batch_size, # `int` of the length of series. seq_len=seq_len, # `int` of the number of units in hidden layer. hidden_n=hidden_neuron_count, # `int` of the number of units in output layer. output_n=output_neuron_count, # `float` of dropout rate. dropout_rate=dropout_rate, # `act_type` in `mxnet.ndarray.Activation` or `mxnet.symbol.Activation` # that activates observed data points. observed_activation="tanh", # `act_type` in `mxnet.ndarray.Activation` or `mxnet.symbol.Activation` in input gate. input_gate_activation="sigmoid", # `act_type` in `mxnet.ndarray.Activation` or `mxnet.symbol.Activation` in forget gate. forget_gate_activation="sigmoid", # `act_type` in `mxnet.ndarray.Activation` or `mxnet.symbol.Activation` in output gate. output_gate_activation="sigmoid", # `act_type` in `mxnet.ndarray.Activation` or `mxnet.symbol.Activation` in hidden layer. hidden_activation="tanh", # `act_type` in `mxnet.ndarray.Activation` or `mxnet.symbol.Activation` in output layer. output_activation="tanh", # `bool` that means this class has output layer or not. output_layer_flag=False, # `bool` for using bias or not in output layer(last hidden layer). output_no_bias_flag=True, # Call `mxnet.gluon.HybridBlock.hybridize()` or not. hybridize_flag=True, # `mx.cpu()` or `mx.gpu()`. ctx=self.ctx, ) encoder_decoder_controller = EncoderDecoder( # is-a `LSTMNetworks`. encoder=encoder, # is-a `LSTMNetworks`. decoder=decoder, # `int` of batch size. batch_size=batch_size, # `int` of the length of series. seq_len=seq_len, # is-a `ComputableLoss` or `mxnet.gluon.loss`. computable_loss=computable_loss, # is-a `mxnet.initializer` for parameters of model. If `None`, it is drawing from the Xavier distribution. initializer=None, # `float` of learning rate. learning_rate=learning_rate, # `float` of attenuate the `learning_rate` by a factor of this value every `attenuate_epoch`. learning_attenuate_rate=learning_attenuate_rate, # `int` of attenuate the `learning_rate` by a factor of `learning_attenuate_rate` every `attenuate_epoch`. attenuate_epoch=attenuate_epoch, # `str` of name of optimizer. optimizer_name="Adam", # Call `mxnet.gluon.HybridBlock.hybridize()` or not. hybridize_flag=True, # `mx.cpu()` or `mx.gpu()`. ctx=self.ctx, ) self.__computable_loss = computable_loss return encoder_decoder_controller def __build_retrospective_encoder( self, computable_loss, hidden_neuron_count=20, output_neuron_count=20, dropout_rate=0.5, batch_size=20, learning_rate=1e-05, seq_len=8, ): retrospective_encoder = LSTMNetworks( # is-a `ComputableLoss` or `mxnet.gluon.loss`. computable_loss=computable_loss, # `int` of batch size. batch_size=batch_size, # `int` of the length of series. seq_len=seq_len, # `int` of the number of units in hidden layer. hidden_n=hidden_neuron_count, # `int` of the number of units in output layer. output_n=output_neuron_count, # `float` of dropout rate. dropout_rate=dropout_rate, # `act_type` in `mxnet.ndarray.Activation` or `mxnet.symbol.Activation` # that activates observed data points. observed_activation="tanh", # `act_type` in `mxnet.ndarray.Activation` or `mxnet.symbol.Activation` in input gate. input_gate_activation="sigmoid", # `act_type` in `mxnet.ndarray.Activation` or `mxnet.symbol.Activation` in forget gate. forget_gate_activation="sigmoid", # `act_type` in `mxnet.ndarray.Activation` or `mxnet.symbol.Activation` in output gate. output_gate_activation="sigmoid", # `act_type` in `mxnet.ndarray.Activation` or `mxnet.symbol.Activation` in hidden layer. hidden_activation="tanh", # `bool` that means this class has output layer or not. output_layer_flag=False, # Call `mxnet.gluon.HybridBlock.hybridize()` or not. hybridize_flag=False, # `mx.cpu()` or `mx.gpu()`. ctx=self.ctx, ) return retrospective_encoder
[docs] def learn(self, iteratable_data): ''' Learn the observed data points for vector representation of the input time-series. Args: iteratable_data: is-a `IteratableData`. ''' if isinstance(iteratable_data, IteratableData) is False: raise TypeError("The type of `iteratable_data` must be `IteratableData`.") learning_rate = self.__learning_rate encoder_best_params_list = [] decoder_best_params_list = [] re_encoder_best_params_list = [] try: self.__memory_tuple_list = [] eary_stop_flag = False loss_list = [] min_loss = None epoch = 0 for batch_observed_arr, batch_target_arr, test_batch_observed_arr, test_batch_target_arr in iteratable_data.generate_learned_samples(): epoch += 1 if ((epoch + 1) % self.__attenuate_epoch == 0): learning_rate = learning_rate * self.__learning_attenuate_rate with autograd.record(): observed_arr, encoded_arr, decoded_arr, re_encoded_arr = self.inference(batch_observed_arr) loss = self.compute_retrospective_loss( observed_arr, encoded_arr, decoded_arr, re_encoded_arr ) loss.backward() self.trainer.step(batch_observed_arr.shape[0]) test_observed_arr, test_encoded_arr, test_decoded_arr, test_re_encoded_arr = self.inference(test_batch_observed_arr) test_loss = self.compute_retrospective_loss(test_observed_arr, test_encoded_arr, test_decoded_arr, test_re_encoded_arr) self.__verificate_retrospective_loss(loss, test_loss) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.__logger.debug("Interrupt.") self.__logger.debug("end. ")
[docs] def inference(self, observed_arr): ''' Infernece by the model. Args: observed_arr: `np.ndarray` of observed data points. Returns: `np.ndarray` of inferenced feature points. ''' return self(observed_arr)
[docs] def hybrid_forward(self, F, x): ''' Hybrid forward with Gluon API. Args: F: `mxnet.ndarray` or `mxnet.symbol`. x: `mxnet.ndarray` of observed data points. Returns: `mxnet.ndarray` or `mxnet.symbol` of inferenced feature points. ''' # rank-3 return self.forward_propagation(F, x)
[docs] def forward_propagation(self, F, x): ''' Hybrid forward with Gluon API. Args: F: `mxnet.ndarray` or `mxnet.symbol`. x: `mxnet.ndarray` of observed data points. Returns: `mxnet.ndarray` or `mxnet.symbol` of inferenced feature points. ''' observed_arr = x decoded_arr = self.__encoder_decoder_controller.forward_propagation(F, observed_arr) encoded_arr = self.__encoder_decoder_controller.feature_points_arr re_encoded_arr = self.__retrospective_encoder.forward_propagation(F, decoded_arr) return observed_arr, encoded_arr, decoded_arr, re_encoded_arr
[docs] def summarize(self, iteratable_data, vectorizable_token, sentence_list, limit=5): ''' Summarize input document. Args: iteratable_data: is-a `IteratableData`. vectorizable_token: is-a `VectorizableToken`. sentence_list: `list` of all sentences. limit: The number of selected abstract sentence. Returns: `list` of `str` of abstract sentences. ''' if isinstance(vectorizable_token, VectorizableToken) is False: raise TypeError() _score_arr = None _test_arr = None for _, _, test_arr, _ in iteratable_data.generate_inferenced_samples(): observed_arr, encoded_arr, decoded_arr, re_encoded_arr = self.inference(test_arr) loss = self.compute_retrospective_loss(observed_arr, encoded_arr, decoded_arr, re_encoded_arr) score_arr = loss.asnumpy() if _score_arr is None: _score_arr = score_arr else: _score_arr = np.r_[_score_arr, score_arr] if _test_arr is None: _test_arr = test_arr.asnumpy() else: _test_arr = np.r_[_test_arr, test_arr.asnumpy()] score_list = _score_arr.tolist() score_arr = _score_arr test_arr = _test_arr abstract_list = [] for i in range(limit): key = score_arr.argmin() seq_arr = test_arr[key] score = score_list.pop(key) score_arr = np.array(score_list) token_arr = vectorizable_token.tokenize(seq_arr.tolist()) s = " ".join(token_arr.tolist()) _s = "".join(token_arr.tolist()) for sentence in sentence_list: if s in sentence or _s in sentence: abstract_list.append(sentence) abstract_list = list(set(abstract_list)) if len(abstract_list) >= limit: break return abstract_list
[docs] def compute_retrospective_loss( self, observed_arr, encoded_arr, decoded_arr, re_encoded_arr ): ''' Compute retrospective loss. Returns: The tuple data. - `np.ndarray` of delta. - `np.ndarray` of losses of each batch. - float of loss of all batch. ''' if self.__output_neuron_count == self.__hidden_neuron_count: target_arr = nd.broadcast_sub( encoded_arr, nd.expand_dims(observed_arr.mean(axis=2), axis=2) ) summary_delta_arr = nd.sqrt(nd.power(decoded_arr - target_arr, 2)) else: # For each batch, draw a samples from the Uniform distribution. if self.__output_neuron_count > self.__hidden_neuron_count: all_dim_arr = np.arange(self.__output_neuron_count) np.random.shuffle(all_dim_arr) choiced_dim_arr = all_dim_arr[:self.__hidden_neuron_count] target_arr = nd.broadcast_sub( encoded_arr, nd.expand_dims(observed_arr[:, :, choiced_dim_arr].mean(axis=2), axis=2) ) summary_delta_arr = nd.sqrt(nd.power(decoded_arr[:, :, choiced_dim_arr] - target_arr, 2)) else: all_dim_arr = np.arange(self.__hidden_neuron_count) np.random.shuffle(all_dim_arr) choiced_dim_arr = all_dim_arr[:self.__output_neuron_count] target_arr = nd.broadcast_sub( encoded_arr[:, :, choiced_dim_arr], nd.expand_dims(observed_arr.mean(axis=2), axis=2) ) summary_delta_arr = nd.sqrt(nd.power(decoded_arr - target_arr, 2)) match_delta_arr = None for i in range(self.__batch_size): arr = nd.sqrt(nd.power(encoded_arr[i, -1] - re_encoded_arr[i, -1], 2)) if match_delta_arr is None: match_delta_arr = nd.expand_dims(arr, axis=0) else: match_delta_arr = nd.concat( match_delta_arr, nd.expand_dims(arr, axis=0), dim=0 ) """ other_encoded_delta_arr = None for i in range(self.__batch_size): _encoded_arr = None for seq in range(encoded_arr[i].shape[0] - 1): if _encoded_arr is None: _encoded_arr = nd.expand_dims(encoded_arr[i][seq], axis=0) else: _encoded_arr = nd.concat( _encoded_arr, nd.expand_dims(encoded_arr[i][seq], axis=0), dim=0 ) arr = nd.nansum( nd.sqrt( nd.power( nd.maximum( 0, _encoded_arr - re_encoded_arr[i, -1].reshape( 1, re_encoded_arr.shape[2] ) ), 2 ) ) + self.__margin_param, axis=0 ) if other_encoded_delta_arr is None: other_encoded_delta_arr = nd.expand_dims(arr, axis=0) else: other_encoded_delta_arr = nd.concat( other_encoded_delta_arr, nd.expand_dims(arr, axis=0), dim=0 ) other_re_encoded_delta_arr = None for i in range(self.__batch_size): _re_encoded_arr = None for seq in range(re_encoded_arr[i].shape[0] - 1): if _re_encoded_arr is None: _re_encoded_arr = nd.expand_dims(re_encoded_arr[i][seq], axis=0) else: _re_encoded_arr = nd.concat( _re_encoded_arr, nd.expand_dims(re_encoded_arr[i][seq], axis=0), dim=0 ) arr = nd.nansum( nd.sqrt( nd.power( nd.maximum( 0, encoded_arr[i, -1].reshape( 1, encoded_arr.shape[2] ) - _re_encoded_arr ), 2 ) ) + self.__margin_param, axis=0 ) if other_re_encoded_delta_arr is None: other_re_encoded_delta_arr = nd.expand_dims(arr, axis=0) else: other_re_encoded_delta_arr = nd.concat( other_re_encoded_delta_arr, nd.expand_dims(arr, axis=0), dim=0 ) mismatch_delta_arr = ( match_delta_arr - other_encoded_delta_arr ) + ( match_delta_arr - other_re_encoded_delta_arr ) delta_arr = summary_delta_arr + nd.expand_dims( self.__retrospective_lambda * match_delta_arr, axis=1 ) + nd.expand_dims( self.__retrospective_eta * mismatch_delta_arr, axis=1 ) """ delta_arr = summary_delta_arr + nd.expand_dims( self.__retrospective_lambda * match_delta_arr, axis=1 ) v = nd.norm(delta_arr) if v > self.__grad_clip_threshold: delta_arr = delta_arr * self.__grad_clip_threshold / v loss = nd.mean( delta_arr, axis=0, exclude=True ) return loss
def __verificate_retrospective_loss(self, train_loss, test_loss): if (len(self.__logs_tuple_list) + 1) % 100 == 0: self.__logger.debug("Epoch: " + str(len(self.__logs_tuple_list) + 1)) _train_loss = train_loss.asnumpy().mean() _test_loss = test_loss.asnumpy().mean() if (len(self.__logs_tuple_list) + 1) % 100 == 0: self.__logger.debug("Loss: ") self.__logger.debug( "Training: " + str(_train_loss) + " Test: " + str(_test_loss) ) self.__logs_tuple_list.append( ( _train_loss, _test_loss ) ) def __rename_file(self, filename): filename_list = filename.split(".") _format = filename_list[-1] encoder_decoder_filename = filename.replace("." + _format, "_encoder_decoder." + _format) retrospective_encoder_filename = filename.replace("." + _format, "_retrospective_encoder." + _format) return encoder_decoder_filename, retrospective_encoder_filename
[docs] def save_parameters(self, filename): ''' Save parameters to files. Args: filename: File name. ''' encoder_decoder_filename, retrospective_encoder_filename = self.__rename_file(filename) self.__encoder_decoder_controller.save_parameters(encoder_decoder_filename) self.__retrospective_encoder.save_parameters(retrospective_encoder_filename)
[docs] def load_parameters(self, filename, ctx=None, allow_missing=False, ignore_extra=False): ''' Load parameters to files. Args: filename: File name. ctx: `mx.cpu()` or `mx.gpu()`. allow_missing: `bool` of whether to silently skip loading parameters not represents in the file. ignore_extra: `bool` of whether to silently ignre parameters from the file that are not present in this `Block`. ''' encoder_decoder_filename, retrospective_encoder_filename = self.__rename_file(filename) self.encoder.load_parameters(encoder_decoder_filename, ctx=ctx, allow_missing=allow_missing, ignore_extra=ignore_extra) self.decoder.load_parameters(retrospective_encoder_filename, ctx=ctx, allow_missing=allow_missing, ignore_extra=ignore_extra)
[docs] def get_logs_arr(self): ''' getter ''' return np.array( self.__logs_tuple_list, )
[docs] def set_readonly(self, value): ''' setter ''' raise TypeError()
logs_arr = property(get_logs_arr, set_readonly)
[docs] def get_encoder_decoder_controller(self): ''' getter ''' return self.__encoder_decoder_controller
encoder_decoder_controller = property(get_encoder_decoder_controller, set_readonly)
[docs] def get_retrospective_encoder(self): ''' getter ''' return self.__retrospective_encoder
retrospective_encoder = property(get_retrospective_encoder, set_readonly)