Source code for pycomposer.samplabledata.truesampler.midi_true_sampler

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
from accelbrainbase.samplabledata.true_sampler import TrueSampler

[docs]class MidiTrueSampler(TrueSampler): ''' Sampler which draws samples from the `true` distribution of MIDI files. ''' def __init__( self, midi_df_list, batch_size=20, seq_len=10, time_fraction=0.1, min_pitch=24, max_pitch=108 ): ''' Init. Args: midi_df_list: `list` of paths to MIDI data extracted by `MidiController`. batch_size: Batch size. seq_len: The length of sequneces. The length corresponds to the number of `time` splited by `time_fraction`. time_fraction: Time fraction which means the length of bars. min_pitch: The minimum of note number. max_pitch: The maximum of note number. ''' self.__midi_df_list = midi_df_list self.__batch_size = batch_size self.__seq_len = seq_len self.__time_fraction = time_fraction self.__min_pitch = min_pitch self.__max_pitch = max_pitch self.__dim = self.__max_pitch - self.__min_pitch
[docs] def draw(self): ''' Draws samples from the `true` distribution. Returns: `np.ndarray` of samples. ''' sampled_arr = np.empty((self.__batch_size, self.__seq_len, self.__dim)) for batch in range(self.__batch_size): key = np.random.randint(low=0, high=len(self.__midi_df_list)) midi_df = self.__midi_df_list[key] program_arr = midi_df.program.drop_duplicates().values key = np.random.randint(low=0, high=program_arr.shape[0]) program_key = program_arr[key] midi_df = midi_df[midi_df.program == program_key] if midi_df.shape[0] < self.__seq_len: raise ValueError("The length of musical performance (program: " + str(program_key) + " is short.") row = np.random.uniform( low=midi_df.start.min(), high=midi_df.end.max() - (self.__seq_len * self.__time_fraction) ) for seq in range(self.__seq_len): start = row + (seq * self.__time_fraction) end = row + ((seq+1) * self.__time_fraction) df = midi_df[(start <= midi_df.start) & (midi_df.start <= end)] sampled_arr[batch, seq] = self.__convert_into_feature(df) return sampled_arr
def __convert_into_feature(self, df): arr = np.zeros(self.__dim) for i in range(df.shape[0]): if df.pitch.values[i] < self.__max_pitch - 1: if df.pitch.values[i] - self.__min_pitch >= 0: arr[df.pitch.values[i] - self.__min_pitch] = 1 return arr.reshape(1, -1).astype(float)