accelbrainbase.regularizatabledata._mxnet package


accelbrainbase.regularizatabledata._mxnet.constrain_weights module

class accelbrainbase.regularizatabledata._mxnet.constrain_weights.ConstrainWeights(weight_limit=0.9)

Bases: accelbrainbase.regularizatabledata.constrain_weights.ConstrainWeights

Regularization for weights matrix to repeat multiplying the weights matrix and 0.9 until $sum_{j=0}^{n}w_{ji}^2 < weight_limit$.


  • Srivastava, N., Hinton, G., Krizhevsky, A., Sutskever, I., & Salakhutdinov, R. (2014). Dropout: a simple way to prevent neural networks from overfitting. The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 15(1), 1929-1958.
  • Zaremba, W., Sutskever, I., & Vinyals, O. (2014). Recurrent neural network regularization. arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.2329.

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